Friday, January 16, 2009

Young Love.

Can I ask you something?

How the fuck are you in love at 13, 14, 15, and 16? Then, to make matters worse, you're "in love" with someone you've only known two or three months tops?

That's crazy slice!

I think young people (and yes, I'm young too) today are confusing love for serious LUST. How are you capable of understanding the concept of love at such a young age? You're just learning how to love yourself! You're in the beginning stages of understanding who YOU are as a person, but you know that you're "in love" with someone else? GetTheFuckOuttaHere.

Tell you love me, and I'll run for the hills. And a fat bitch don't run so you know you're doing something wrong. I'm not being cynical, not in the least bit, but I know I'm not ready for that kind of relationship yet.. I'm only 17! I know that maturity plays a big role in any relationship, and I understand that there may be different opinions, but hey- it's my blog!

Maybe if adults took the time to get to know one another, and didn't rush into serious relationships, divorce rates wouldn't be so high. lol

I think I'm done.
Take it to the comments if you got SumnaSay. Feel me?

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