Friday, January 23, 2009


I have nooo energy/desire to write anything, but I wanted to write something, haha.

I'll be back in full effect soon.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Alis Volat Propiis.

"She flies with her own wings".

I'm seriously thinking about getting that as a tattoo on the back of my neck. It just.. really.. stuck out at me. I have an insane obsession for latin phrases. They're always so inspirational, and uplifting. I've never wanted to be the type of person to get some stankin' tattoo of something meaningless, and regret it 30 years later. I want a tattoo that I'll cherish.. even when I'm old and prune-like.

Why on the back of my neck? They say that your first tattoo should be in a spot that you'll have the option of covering it, or flaunting it. My hair is long enough to cover the back of my neck just in case I don't want folks too see it, and I can wear my hair in a bun/ponytail if I wanna show off something lite. Feel me?

I've always taken pride in being my own person.. not needing anyone else to hold my hand every step of the way. I have my own ideas, my own thoughts, my own beliefs.

Flying with my own wings, I don't need anyone else's.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Real World Brooklyn

Since I have a long weekend, I might as well catch up on all the shows I've been missing.

Real World Brooklyn. hmmmmm.

it's not bad, but I'm not impressed. at least not yet.

They have some eye candy..
J.D. is cute, but gay. That sucks.

Scott is cute too- did you see those abs? Lickable. lol.

The chicks are so-so. The Devyn chick is pretty cute (no homo), but I'm convinced that those boobs are fake. I know I'm not the only one!

Baya seems pretty cool. She can dance a lil sum'n sum'n.

I like Sarah, and I think her tattoos are pretty neat.

Chet is hilarious, a true metrosexual. It's comedy!

Ryan seems like a jerkoff. Ugh, can't stand him already. I can tell he'll get worse through the season.

And then there's Katelynn. LawdHaveMercy. Much love to the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) community, but DAMN! She's puttin ya'll to shame, and NOT in a good way. Hot ass mess, at best. Smh.

That's my wrap up. I hope this shit picks up soon, because it's off to a very, very slow start.


Is it just me, or are you super excited about the inauguration coming up on Tuesday?

The tv's been locked on CNN for a minute now. It sucks that I'm not out there in washington, which is where I want to be, but I can still be a part of the experience.

I don't remember this much excitment surrounding an inauguration in.. like.. ever. And that's including my main man Clinton.

Just some shit to think about: Isn't it funny that a black man is coming into office when America is at it's very lowest point? The black man.. the man that doesn't get the respect he deserves, has to clean up the mess that the most incompetent president in our nations history- has made.

Aint life funny?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Notorious was a good fucking movie, and I'm not saying it just because I'm a fan of biggie (I am).

Forget the fact that I got lost on the way there, or that every viewing was sold out except for the 12:15 a.m. show, I had a good time. And I was jammin' all through that bitch.

It was a nice crowd out. Not too many of those rude jackasses with their cell phones going off the whole time, or the classic baby mama with the little kid that just can't shut the fuck up. I was able to sit through the whole movie any enjoy it.

The beginning of the movie starts off with him as a kid, played by his son. I thought that was pretty dope. Hella dope.

We go into him as a teen, and his mom throwing out the "mashed potatoes" under his bed. You already know what that was, lmao.

They talk about his time in jail, the daughter that he sees when he gets out, how he starting taking rap seriously, how mister Cee put him on, how he met lil kim, and fucked her. Lol.

I think they did a poor job with the portrayl of Kim, and she has every right to be pissed off with how they made her look. She looked like a groupie who couldn't let go, and I'm sure she meant more to Big than that.

My baby Red Cafe did a quick appearance in it, I'm sure most people didn't know that.

Where the fuck was Foxy in the movie?

Of course faith was in it, Pac was in it too.. even though I wasn't feelin' ole dude who played him. Derek Luke did an amazing job playing Diddy! The dancing, the outfits, everything.

The music was on point, you'll love it if you're a fan of biggie. I was doing the "diddy" all through that joint!

You should go see it, if you haven't already. I'm co-sigining it.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Young Love.

Can I ask you something?

How the fuck are you in love at 13, 14, 15, and 16? Then, to make matters worse, you're "in love" with someone you've only known two or three months tops?

That's crazy slice!

I think young people (and yes, I'm young too) today are confusing love for serious LUST. How are you capable of understanding the concept of love at such a young age? You're just learning how to love yourself! You're in the beginning stages of understanding who YOU are as a person, but you know that you're "in love" with someone else? GetTheFuckOuttaHere.

Tell you love me, and I'll run for the hills. And a fat bitch don't run so you know you're doing something wrong. I'm not being cynical, not in the least bit, but I know I'm not ready for that kind of relationship yet.. I'm only 17! I know that maturity plays a big role in any relationship, and I understand that there may be different opinions, but hey- it's my blog!

Maybe if adults took the time to get to know one another, and didn't rush into serious relationships, divorce rates wouldn't be so high. lol

I think I'm done.
Take it to the comments if you got SumnaSay. Feel me?

Happy Friday!

I've got a nice, long weekend ahead. I have Monday off and, since half of my class is going to Baltimore to see what they can of Obama's innaugural address, school is closed on Tuesday as well.


I've decided to make the most of the weekend, and I'm going to start tonight by going to see "Notorious". It better be good.

I'll be doing some major blogging this weekend, and be sure to check back in later. I'll be doing a review of the movie. =]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm sick. Not sick enough to stop blogging, though. See, I told you I was going to blog more often!

I've been home for the past two days, so I don't have anything juicy to report on. I could tell you how comfy my bed is, but I doubt that'd be interesting.

I guess I'll talk about.. boys.
Yeah. You can never go wrong with that, can you?

As I said yesterday, they're full of shit. I stand behind that statement 1,000 percent. I mean, what's the deal?

Why do guys complain about finding misses right, when she's right in front of your mug- and you're acting like a JACKASS?

What's with the mind games?

What's with the lies?

Why do guys tell all 30 chicks they're messing with the same thing? I mean damn, can a bitch feel special?

Ah, well.

I'm sure I'll be back to blog a little later. I promise I won't talk about boys in the next post, lol.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I feel like I need a fresh start.
I'm sitting in the doctor's office, and all I can think about is writing.
I should start a new blog, because this one has gone to shit.
I've been meaning to write, but eh.

Maybe I should stick it out, I don't know.

Lifes been interesting to say the least.
I feel like I should update you [whoever you are] about my lifes happenings.

Where do I start?
This new year hasn't been poppin' for me. At all. It's been one dramatic event after another.

Boys suck. That's a fact. There all full of shit. I'm ashamed because.. for the first time.. EVER.. I let a guy get the best of me and turn my whole fucking world upside down.

-slaps hand


Ah, well. I'm gradually getting my shit together because I refuse to spoil my year. We're 13 days deep, it's time for me to regroup, come with a new gameplan, because the shit definitely isn't working.

I promise I'll start blogging more often.
I'll blog so much, you'll get tired of hearing about my life. =]