Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lions, Tigers, & Bears: A Weedhead moment.

I don't smoke weed, lets clear that up. Although, I have nothing against my weed-smoking brothers and sisters. Jah bless y'all.
So umm, what the fu&k am I talking about when I say "weedhead moment", you ask?

I'm talking about the one moment where the simplest statement seems like the most profound shit you've ever heard in your life.

My moment came today as I was listening to Jazmine Sullivan's "Lions, Tigers, & Bears" and I heard her say two of the realest lines ever:

"Just cuz I love you, and you love me, that doesn't mean that we're meant to be". Aint that the truth!

Oh, and I can't forget: "Why do we love love, when love seems to hate us?" When I heard that I was like "WHAAAAAT?! damn, I never thought about that!" in true weedhead fashion.

Please forgive me. it's Tuesday.

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