Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I feel like I need a fresh start.
I'm sitting in the doctor's office, and all I can think about is writing.
I should start a new blog, because this one has gone to shit.
I've been meaning to write, but eh.

Maybe I should stick it out, I don't know.

Lifes been interesting to say the least.
I feel like I should update you [whoever you are] about my lifes happenings.

Where do I start?
This new year hasn't been poppin' for me. At all. It's been one dramatic event after another.

Boys suck. That's a fact. There all full of shit. I'm ashamed because.. for the first time.. EVER.. I let a guy get the best of me and turn my whole fucking world upside down.

-slaps hand


Ah, well. I'm gradually getting my shit together because I refuse to spoil my year. We're 13 days deep, it's time for me to regroup, come with a new gameplan, because the shit definitely isn't working.

I promise I'll start blogging more often.
I'll blog so much, you'll get tired of hearing about my life. =]


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