Wednesday, July 9, 2008


it feels hella hella hella good to FINALLY have a place where I can express my thoughts exactly how I want to. There are so many things I want to say, but I'll wait for now. I'm just getting settled in! This will definitely be one of the most interesting blog forums you'll come across, I guarantee that. My thoughts run a mile a minute, which is sure to keep you interested! =] I have different ranges of emotions, I have good days and bad days- just like everyone else. YES, I have an undying PASSION - LOVE - for writing. I will most certainly be blogging as much as possible. This blog is UNSCRIPTED, and I'M GOING TO SAY WHAT I DAMN WELL PLEASE, lol. I will respect all of my readers, if any. if no one reads this blog, that's fine by me. writing is how I express myself. writing = cleansing! ahh, I love it. To those who will read (again, if any), buckle up! you're definitely in for a wild ride...

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